Tuesday, March 31, 2009

She said to me "I'm so stressed out it's soothing!"

... And all I said was "someone get that girl a mood ring!"

Haha. I've been listening to this song on repeat in hopes of finding a suitable title. That's from my new favorite band, Relient K. It's called Mood Rings. My sister Ginny was borrowing my iPod (I thought she meant for an afternoon, then she went on vacation for a few days with it...) and she uploaded her songs and I found one called My Girl's Ex-Boyfriend and all their songs are so cute and so funny at the same time. I love it. I recommend anyone who has never listened to Relient K go listen to:
1. Mood Rings
2. My Girl's Ex-Boyfriend
3. Faking My Own Suicide (sounds emo, it's really not. It's actually kind of adorable.)
4. Who I Am Hates Who I've Been
5. Sadie Hawkin's Day

Anyway. It's true. I've been working really hard in school (I've been back for two days, but that hardly matters, now does it?) and it's actually sort of fun. Not the work, of course, but the idea of me really working towards something.

It's been so busy, though, I haven't even started my book. I'm ashamed. I'll shower after this blog, clean the kitchen, and hopefully I might have half an hour to write before 90210. I know I have to write at my own pace, I can't slack off at school just so that I can write because I'll never get published if I don't win contests, and get an internship (maybe), and go to a good college. Unless, of course, I get published in upperschool (*crosses fingers*).

Part of me is doing all this work to not write, I think. Because once I start writing, I'll start nitpicking and get depressed. So today I made flashcards for History chapters we just did today, did all my English homework for the week, did Religion homework due friday, and all that nerdy stuff. I used to be a procrastinator... now I'm Supernerd.

Although it's not like school isn't keeping me from writing. Today I got a great idea for a mood piece (an angsty mood piece, but I don't think writing sad stuff makes me emo. I think being emo and bringing a plastic dagger to school would make me emo.) and a little rant-y short story about the meaning of community.

ALSO. THE BEST PART ABOUT SCHOOL: My English teacher said she wants to find me creative writing competitions! I don't know if she'll follow through, but if she doesn't I'll just have to find some myself, I guess. I'm embarrassed to ask her about it, though, what if I do and she's like "Oh, I'm sorry, you're not a good enough writer to do well. I was kidding."

I doubt she would. Because my English teacher is awesome (and she loves me) but... you know... I'm incredibly neurotic.

I also spent about two hours instead of my normal half an hour on exercise because I thought I looked bad and I saw some really hot boys on the reservoir... so I got on the reservoir on the west side to hide. And then I got lost. I walked like, four miles instead of one and a half.


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