Sunday, March 22, 2009

Purpose: It's That Little Flame That Lights a Fire Under Your Ass

Sorry I'm posting so much. 

I'm dropping Ninth Wave, the plot is weak and I can reuse anything from it that was any good if I want to.

Rose is on hiatus until I get an interesting plot for it.

So... probably won't post for awhile. I know I still want to use the characters of Adrian and Valkyrie/Cynthia but I swear, the next plot I make will fit the following requirements:

1. There will be a journey.
2. There will be action.
3. Something will happen in the first chapter other than just setting the pace for the story.
4. No plots from Ninth Wave will be recycled
5. This will not be titled Ninth Wave
6. I would read this book myself
7. It's fantasy
8. It takes place in a world I MADE UP
9. The mythical creatures and powers are things I MADE UP
10. Not all the names are Greek
11. It's not all comic relief all the time
12. The romance is actually a part of the plot and not tacked on
13. I stop writing in purple prose
14. I don't force the plot
15. It's GOOD!

That's a lot of requirements... but let's see. The ideas can come slowly. It's fine. I can wait. I have five years to meet my goal.

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