Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mind Numbing

There's something about plotting out a book that makes me so tired. Even just pitching ideas it just... drains me.

I can write chapter after chapter in a row without getting one of my "I just thought way too hard" headaches but... actually planning out is really hard. My ideas and literacy also falters near the end when my brain realizes it's in the home stretch and decides to start shutting down.

It's spring break - I should not be working. I'm going to finish plotting book one, and then rest tomorrow and do fun stuff. And then eventually I need to do my projects and stuff for English and Math and read my History book. I probably won't start writing until after school some day or the weekend.

But, on the bright side, part one of my book is all planned out. All sixteen chapters.

I even had to write a disturbing fairy tale for one chapter. I kind of wanted to just rip off something my friend wrote... but I didn't. I'm proud of myself. I'm worried the plot slows down a lot in the last few chapters, but there are purposes to them all. Enh. If I get bored writing I'll just... speed it up a bit.

Anyway! So far so good, right?

Now. I'm going to go watch an episode of 90210 I missed and just bought on itunes.  :D

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