Tuesday, March 31, 2009

She said to me "I'm so stressed out it's soothing!"

... And all I said was "someone get that girl a mood ring!"

Haha. I've been listening to this song on repeat in hopes of finding a suitable title. That's from my new favorite band, Relient K. It's called Mood Rings. My sister Ginny was borrowing my iPod (I thought she meant for an afternoon, then she went on vacation for a few days with it...) and she uploaded her songs and I found one called My Girl's Ex-Boyfriend and all their songs are so cute and so funny at the same time. I love it. I recommend anyone who has never listened to Relient K go listen to:
1. Mood Rings
2. My Girl's Ex-Boyfriend
3. Faking My Own Suicide (sounds emo, it's really not. It's actually kind of adorable.)
4. Who I Am Hates Who I've Been
5. Sadie Hawkin's Day

Anyway. It's true. I've been working really hard in school (I've been back for two days, but that hardly matters, now does it?) and it's actually sort of fun. Not the work, of course, but the idea of me really working towards something.

It's been so busy, though, I haven't even started my book. I'm ashamed. I'll shower after this blog, clean the kitchen, and hopefully I might have half an hour to write before 90210. I know I have to write at my own pace, I can't slack off at school just so that I can write because I'll never get published if I don't win contests, and get an internship (maybe), and go to a good college. Unless, of course, I get published in upperschool (*crosses fingers*).

Part of me is doing all this work to not write, I think. Because once I start writing, I'll start nitpicking and get depressed. So today I made flashcards for History chapters we just did today, did all my English homework for the week, did Religion homework due friday, and all that nerdy stuff. I used to be a procrastinator... now I'm Supernerd.

Although it's not like school isn't keeping me from writing. Today I got a great idea for a mood piece (an angsty mood piece, but I don't think writing sad stuff makes me emo. I think being emo and bringing a plastic dagger to school would make me emo.) and a little rant-y short story about the meaning of community.

ALSO. THE BEST PART ABOUT SCHOOL: My English teacher said she wants to find me creative writing competitions! I don't know if she'll follow through, but if she doesn't I'll just have to find some myself, I guess. I'm embarrassed to ask her about it, though, what if I do and she's like "Oh, I'm sorry, you're not a good enough writer to do well. I was kidding."

I doubt she would. Because my English teacher is awesome (and she loves me) but... you know... I'm incredibly neurotic.

I also spent about two hours instead of my normal half an hour on exercise because I thought I looked bad and I saw some really hot boys on the reservoir... so I got on the reservoir on the west side to hide. And then I got lost. I walked like, four miles instead of one and a half.


Thursday, March 26, 2009


Oh, my God.


The first book's chapter-by-chapter plot is officially written down.
Clytemnestra's, Farsiris's, and Adair's books are planned out, too. Caine is the last idea to come to me... ugh. But, I have it planned for the last book (or second to last, depending on when the plot comes) so I have plenty of time to come up with a plot for Caine.

I'm a little worried. I'm so proud of my plot for Adair but he's the fourth book. What if Cynthia's book sucks so much that none of the others' ever get written? Well, I will write them. I know that much. But if no one but me and my friends ever reads the series? That's hardly enough for me. D<

On a lighter note... Ell is going to join polyvore! Well, she already did. Those of you who are on polyvore add Ellethwen's account. You can find the link in my contacts list.

I am not excited for tomorrow, though. The mental parentals are keeping me in to finish (and start) my Math project, do my extra credit English poster, and read the History book.

I WILL get it all done in one day. I do not want to be kept in the last weekend of spring break studying. They're my last weekends of relaxation and fun - as soon as school starts I have to go back on my daily schedule.

I'm not ready for vacation to end... how long is it until summer now? I'm going to be keeping a tally until every vacation on my blog. Just like I do on my calender and in my planner. :P

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Mind Numbing

There's something about plotting out a book that makes me so tired. Even just pitching ideas it just... drains me.

I can write chapter after chapter in a row without getting one of my "I just thought way too hard" headaches but... actually planning out is really hard. My ideas and literacy also falters near the end when my brain realizes it's in the home stretch and decides to start shutting down.

It's spring break - I should not be working. I'm going to finish plotting book one, and then rest tomorrow and do fun stuff. And then eventually I need to do my projects and stuff for English and Math and read my History book. I probably won't start writing until after school some day or the weekend.

But, on the bright side, part one of my book is all planned out. All sixteen chapters.

I even had to write a disturbing fairy tale for one chapter. I kind of wanted to just rip off something my friend wrote... but I didn't. I'm proud of myself. I'm worried the plot slows down a lot in the last few chapters, but there are purposes to them all. Enh. If I get bored writing I'll just... speed it up a bit.

Anyway! So far so good, right?

Now. I'm going to go watch an episode of 90210 I missed and just bought on itunes.  :D


I just realized... to have a character drown involves side affects and recovery.

And how do I get this information?

Well... Scrubs has no drowning episodes.

I'd rather die than watch House and ER (well, not die, but you know... I don't like House and ER.)

So, I'm watching the Grey's Anatomy arc where Meredith almost dies.

It's sad. I like this show. I should watch it more.

But, I'll be ready to continue plotting out the book soon.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Purpose: It's That Little Flame That Lights a Fire Under Your Ass

Sorry I'm posting so much. 

I'm dropping Ninth Wave, the plot is weak and I can reuse anything from it that was any good if I want to.

Rose is on hiatus until I get an interesting plot for it.

So... probably won't post for awhile. I know I still want to use the characters of Adrian and Valkyrie/Cynthia but I swear, the next plot I make will fit the following requirements:

1. There will be a journey.
2. There will be action.
3. Something will happen in the first chapter other than just setting the pace for the story.
4. No plots from Ninth Wave will be recycled
5. This will not be titled Ninth Wave
6. I would read this book myself
7. It's fantasy
8. It takes place in a world I MADE UP
9. The mythical creatures and powers are things I MADE UP
10. Not all the names are Greek
11. It's not all comic relief all the time
12. The romance is actually a part of the plot and not tacked on
13. I stop writing in purple prose
14. I don't force the plot
15. It's GOOD!

That's a lot of requirements... but let's see. The ideas can come slowly. It's fine. I can wait. I have five years to meet my goal.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

First Post

You know how authors always have those websites and blogs about their writing and what goes on in their exciting writer lives - the life that I wish I lead?

Those blogs were all created after they got famous, so while they do have an accurate description of what a writer goes through you don't actually see them go through it, do you? And that's why I' making this blog. Consider it me thinking ahead.

My name is Claudia and I'm thirteen years old. This blog is going to be my author page when I get published (*crosses fingers* Please?) if it's deemed worthy. I don't know if you need to approve your author page as... I am not an author. I am a writer, though. And it's almost the same thing, just one is published while the other is not.

Here you can see what people actually go through while trying to get published, unless you're going through/went through it yourself. In which case you're probably much smarter than me and are thinking "why didn't she just do what I did?"

I suppose I should actually write the book before I get started with this stuff but... isn't knowing how the writer writes the most important thing?

Plus, now I can procrastinate and still say I'm writing when my parents ask me what I'm doing.

I should really be writing...

I'm working on two books right now (I feel weird saying books... like only authors can. Should I stick with stories? I used to call fanfictions books, and people would mock me.) The Ninth Wave and Rose - which is hopefully not the final title.

You can hear about Rose here: http://polyvore.com/rose/set?id=7319855 (yes, this is my polyvore page. You can read some of my original writing here.)

And Ninth Wave is one of those Magic vs. Science dealies. Thousands of years ago the people didn't create myths to explain the unexplainable - those myths were all true. But nowadays things like eclipses and thunder storms are explained by science. The Gods control mortals if their power was not believed in so they went into hiding and watched the world change around them. Humans had the power to evolve, the Gods did not. And now, in 2009, their fate has finally been sealed. They are to slowly become forgotten, and when the last person forgets them all their power will be gone.
It's time for the Gods to reclaim their power, they tried to start out slowly. They sent out their subjects to stir up fights and frighten the humans to insure that they would be noticed, but the humans just turned to science for the answer. With no other choices magic has finally decided to declare war on science.